Treasure Planet Comparison

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Bluray DVD

Audio Commentary

With Roy Conli, John Musker, Ron Clements, Glen Keane, John Ripa and Ian Gooding.

Visual Commentary

Material from the features put into the movie.

Production Featurettes (SD, 43 minutes)

"Story", "Music", "Art Design", "The Characters", "Animation", "Dimensional Staging" and "Release".

Disney's Animation Magic (SD, 14 minutes)

Roy Disney hosts this behind the scenes featurette.

Deleted Scenes (SD)

"Original Prologue: Adult Jim", "Jim Meets Ethan", and "Alternate Ending: Rebuilding the Benbow."

R.L.S. Legacy: Virtual 3D Tour (SD, 17 minutes)

"Technical Tour" and "Nautical Tour", with different commentary

DisneyPedia: The Life of a Pirate Revealed (SD, 12 minutes)

Featurette in six parts about historical piracy.

"I'm Still Here" Music Video (4:13)

Featuring John Rzeznik.


Purist Remarks

Likely directly exported from CAPS.


DVD is included with the Blu-Ray (but with updated previews)
