Fantasia 2000 Comparison

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Needs to be better-researched
2010 Bluray Anthology DVD
Fantasia 2000 Audio Commentaries:
  1. Directors and art directors of each segment discuss their work.
  2. Roy Disney, James Levine and Donald W. Ernst discuss the movie.

Destino (HD, 7 minutes

Work began by Walt Disney and Salvador Dali, and now completed.

Dali & Disney: A Date with Destino (SD, 82 minutes)

Documentary about the former.

Musicana (HD, 9 minutes)

Abandoned potential Fantasia sequel.
Adventures in Music: 'Melody'
The Making Of Fantasia 2000' Featurette

The Fantasia That Never Was

reconstruction of abandoned ideas for: 'Claire de Lune,' 'The Ride of the Valkyries,' 'The Swan of Tuonela,' 'Adventures in a Perambulator,' and 'Invitation to The Waltz'
Still Frame Art — 'The Flight of the Bumble Bee', 'Mosquito,' and 'Baby Ballet'
Clair de Lune Animated Segment
abandoned concepts
character and visual development galleries
notes about the music
information on special effects.

Purist Remarks

Likely directly exported from CAPS.
