The Many Adventures of Winnie The Pooh Comparison

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Bluray Friendship DVD 25th Anniversary DVD

Mini Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (HD, 12 minutes)

"If I Wasn't So Small," "Piglet's Drawings," "The Expedition," "Geniuses" and "The Honey Song."

A Day for Eeyore (HD, 25:22)

Animated short film originally released with the re-issue of The Sword in the Stone in 1983.
The Story Behind the Masterpiece (SD, 25 minutes)
Theme Song (SD, 2:34) Performed by Carly Simon.

Pooh's Pop-Up Fun Facts

Trivia track

Art gallery

As 66 stills or a "video gallery" (9:15)

Pooh's Shadow

Read or read-along story.
My Friends Tigger & Pooh: debut episode (24:04)

Pooh Play-Along (HD, 2 minutes)

Exercise activities for children

Purist Remarks

2002 and 2007 DVD versions are unrestored. Blu-Ray might be too bright?
