Package Movies Comparison

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Make Mine Music

Three classic shorts
Missing sequence?

Purist Remarks

"The Martins and the Coys" segment is removed in the American release. The same goes for the DMC exclusive Blu-Ray. It should be available in LD and PAL DVD releases. "All The Cats Join In" is still censored.

Fun And Fancy Free

Bluray (2-pack) Gold DVD 50th Anniversary LD CLV 50th Anniversary LD CAV
The Reluctant Dragon (HD, 74 minutes)
The Story Behind "Fun And Fancy Free" (1997, 15:00)
"Mickey & The Beankstalk" DVD Storybook
Interactive Trivia Game
Walt Disney and Billy Blecher recording session from 1941
Cliff Edwards sings "I'm a Happy-Go-Lucky Fellow" (from the Mickey Mouse Club)
Concept and storyboard art

Melody Time

DVD (US, R2)
Cartoons: "Casey Bats Again", "Donald Applecore", "Lambert the Sheepish Lion"

Purist Remarks

Pecos Bill smoking is censored, except in the R2 and R4 DVD releases. The DMC exclusive Blu-Ray release has audio issues. While the UK release has a Dolby Digital 5.1 audio track, the DMC Blu-Ray has a compressed (96 kbps) Dolby Digital 1.0 track.

Adventures Of Ichabod And Mr Toad

Bluray (2-pack) Gold DVD
The Reluctant Dragon (HD, 74 minutes)
"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" DVD Storybook (read or read along).
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride Game, winning lets you watch the cartoon "Sudie the Little Blue Coupe"
"The Merrily Song" Sing-Along
Lonesome Ghosts (8:45)
